Author: Lesley Whiteman

Social Media Marketing Manager helps turn hell into paradise?

Social Media Marketing is a very hot topic, and marketing professionals believe it’s here to stay. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and You Tube, amongst others, are utilised by hundreds of millions of people every day and numbers are growing continually, making this a potential online marketing paradise. But for many business owners, this very…
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A Simple LinkedIn strategy that could transform your business

Following on from my previous LinkedIn Blog, I wanted to add a very simple strategy for making the most of every opportunity. I often get people requesting to add me to their network, even though I don’t know them from Adam. In the interest of building my network, I usually agree. I have to admit that, for a…
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LinkedIn – The New, Warmer, Cosier, Way to Cold Call

LinkedIn has made cold calling a thing of the past for many of us – at least it should have. Unfortunately I suspect many people build their connections and then… well, nothing. LinkedIn is about as useful as a chocolate teapot if you only connect with people you already know – OK, maybe not a…
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Do you make time to work on your business as well as in it?

On an aeroplane you’re told that if the oxygen masks come down, you should put your own on before your children’s. As a parent, I know I’d find that extremely difficult, but I can see why it’s the right thing to do. So why is it that I find it so hard to put my…
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To tag or not to tag

Picture for a moment that you’re hosting a fabulous party. You’re standing in a group of friends, chatting and swapping tales. You start to share the one about your good friend Steve (who’s across the room) who fell into the sea on a boating holiday. You have a choice to make. Do you say, privately,…
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Getting Started on Social Media

As I spend time on Twitter and Facebook, I’ve found so many business profiles with a flurry of activity for about a week or two (if that) and then nothing…Over and over again I hear the same story from businesses. We tried Social Media (SM), but it didn’t work for us. What they mean is,…
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What is Out of Our Control in Social Media?

I was interested to read an article in The New Scientist, last week, which recognised how hard it is to accurately predict reliable weather forecasts, and reported on a new weather test which is going to be run by the BBC. More can be read on the weather club website  The weather affects us all to…
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Do complaints on Social Media Damage Your Reputation?

When I speak to businesses who are considering entering the Social Media arena, they are often concerned that customers will use it for complaints which other existing customers and potentials will then see. Far from this being a negative, I see this as a great opportunity for companies to advertise how good they are, when…
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Why is Friday 13th considered unlucky?

            So, Friday 13th has come around again. Has anything happened to you that could be considered bad luck? Why do we believe that things will go wrong when a Fridays and the 13th day of the month collide? The short answer is that no-one really knows. According to Wikipedia there…
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How Important is Planning?

Someone told me today, that in the Vietnam War, it took over 500 bullets to kill one enemy combatant, but for snipers, the average is 1.3. I guess, one major factor between the two, is the amount of training that a sniper would get. This training in the military, I think can be compared to…
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